Saturday, November 15, 2008

November is National adoption awareness month and I was going to write a little something about it but I came across this video and it says more than I could ever say. Obviously adoption is on my heart so it touched me deeply, hopefully it does the same for you. I am not a person who cries a lot but I always seem to when I watch videos involving orphans. There are millions of orphans in the US and throughout the world who are in need of a loving home. Last year at this time is when Danny and I felt the call to adopt. Little did we know that November was National Adoption Month. A time where many Christians are praying that the Lord would lay it on the hearts of families to support or adopt a child. Another little reason we feel and know this is what the Lord had planned for us. It's amazing to look back over the last year and see all that the Lord has done for us. He is good, all the time. This month I am so thankful for the blessing of adoption!! Please watch...
you may have to pause the playlist on the right to hear the music.


Rach@In His Hands said...

I was just popping over to here to say that YES, of course you should post the video!! I'm so happy that you shared it here, too!
I, too, have so much to say, but its hard to put into words...the sweet faces of the children say much more than I could ever express.


It makes me want to to take them all in! what a powerful video...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that video. Brought tears to my eyes. Oh, if everyone felt the way you guys did, what a better place this would be.