The Lord has called us to add to our family through the miracle of adoption and we are answering that call. We'd love to have you follow us on our journey!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
We love this precious girl and are so very Thankful for your little life!! Here's a few photos from the last month, as a family of five! :)
We are Danny and Carla, we have been married for 8 years and have been blessed with two beautiful biological children and are now in the process of adopting a baby from South Korea.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” {James 1:27}
Adoption Timeline
November 2007 - the Lord laid it on our hearts to adopt
July 2008 - sent in our pre-application
August 1 - pre application accepted/received application
August 20 - Mailed I-600A to USCIS office
Sept 4 - Information Session at Family Connections
Sept 5,6 - Orientation and training meeting in AZ
October 14 - Adoption Preparation Class at Family Connections
October 21 - Panel Disscission Night at FC
October 22 - Mailed application to Dillon
November 4 - Intake Interview at FC
November 5 - Dillon Application approved
November 15 - Adoption Preparation Class 2
November 22 - Adoption Preparation Class3
December 3 - turned in final paperwork to FC
December 8 - assigned social worker
December 13 - meeting with Buddy Family
December 17 - individual interviews with social worker
GREAT pictures! What a beautiful family!
how blessed you all are! Averi is a wonderful addition to your family. Congratulations!
Congratulations on one month home as a family of five. It truely is a celebration! It looks like all are doing great!
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